Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm like anyone else...

What do I feel about myself and what I want to become? Well I think I'm like anyone else. I have my good days and my dad. Honestly, in the past, there were more bad than good, but it's been getting better. So lets break this down...

How I feel about myself....

I think I'm a great person. I try hard to do what's right and I try to have a positive attitude. I love to smile at people and try to make their days a little bit brighter. But again. I have my good days and my bad.

This is me on a good day!

On my good days, I feel great about myself. I am excited about life and the possibilities it has in store for me. I feel ambitious and as if I can do anything. Nothing or nobody can get in my way. I am invincible. I love myself and everyone around me. I believe everyone has some good in them.

This is me on a bad day...

On my bad days, I'm feeling stressed and slightly put out about how my life is going. Generally I am frustrated with one or more aspect of my life. I think, Why am I even trying. Nothing ever goes my way. Everyone else seems to be having a great time, why not me?

Generally, at school, I am very stressed all the time about the work I have to get done. But I have made it a goal this semester to take time for myself and feel good about what I am doing. And I am determined to do that! So trust me, more and more good days are to come.

Now for what I feel about what I want to become...

For the last 2 years, I have been focused on Career. Career. Career. But I have felt the desire to shift lately. I feel the need to shift to a more spiritual goal of what I want to become. I figure once I get that focus going everything else will fall into place. But lets make a list of what I want to become.

- A better disciple of Christ
- A better friend
- A better daughter
- A better sister
- A better student

and eventually....

- A great wife
- A great mother

I think I'm well on my way in some parts of these goals, but I am still working towards it. I know I'm not perfect, but I am trying my best to the the absolute best version of myself. I figure there is no point in trying to be anyone else, because everyone else is taken. I want to be me.

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