The Great Measure of Discipleship
I have to say I absolutely loved this talk. It really makes you think about how you are judging others and the concept of perception – both from a spiritual and mortal view. I’d like to touch on a few points that he brought up in this talk.
The first is “Sometimes, instead of seeing another as a person to be served, we see them as a task to be accomplished.” This really is true and I am as guilty as the next person for thinking this. A lot of the time I have the attitude that I have to “deal” with people in my life. And really? Shouldn’t it be a privilege to be around fellow sons and daughters of the Most High Being? I’ve had this attitude a lot in my life. It’s mostly when I have to associate with people whose manners have irritated me and we tend not to get along. There is good in everyone – be happy to associate with them.
The next is, “Sometimes we see others not as an individual, but only as a member of some group.” This I think we are most guilty of when racial and religious differences are involved. We tend to stereotype people based on their beliefs, their skin color, or the way they live their lives. I’m in World Religions right now and it’s been a real eye opening experience to learn about both eastern and western religions, what they believe and why they believe it. It’s helped me obtain a more objective view on the world and that there is some truth in all religion. I think it would help all of us if we had a more objective view of the world. Maybe we wouldn’t put people in their own little groups and think that’s all they are.
The last point I would like to touch on are the stories he told of Jesus Christ and the women he met. He did not view them as sinners – but as daughters of God. We are so easy to forget this of each other. We are all spirit sons and daughters of God and we deserve to be treated as such. He loves us no matter what, so we should try to do the same for each other. I’m not saying you should be best friends with everyone, but give them the benefit of the doubt. You don’t know the details of their life and what they’re going through. We should see each other in a spiritual way. But remember, it's a choice. It's all in our perception.