Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wrap up...

This semester I have really noticed an improvement in both of the relationships that I decided to focus on - one good and one not so good.

The main reason why I chose Breanne for my "good" relationship is because this is her last semester and I honestly don't know when I will see her again after this semester. She is my best friend and is a big support in my life. I'm really going to miss spending time with her.

Now, you have to understand, I really do have a good relationship with my sister Holly. Just not great. It was really bad when we were younger. We used to fight all the time and we never got a long. I think another thing that kind of drives a wedge in between us is the fact that she doesn't go to church. She KNOWS the church is true, she just... well, hasn't made the smartest decisions in her life. She tells us all the time that she feels "stuck" and I don't think she realizes we would do anything for her to not feel that way. I really do feel as if our relationship has improved since I have been making a conscious effort, and I will continue to do so.

A good laugh and a break...

It's the end of the semester, and we're all a little on edge. Last night I was working on homework when I got a text from Breanne and this is how the conversation went...

Breanne: So... what r ya doin?
Me: Well, working on homework. What are you doin?
Breanne: I am sprawled on my bed throwing a tantrum... yes a tantrum. I need to get out. Want to do something?

I got in the "Rescue-the-friend-from-homework" mode and started making suggestions. We ended up taking a much needed break and 5 episodes of Big Bang Theory later, we were laughing ourselves silly.

I am grateful for friends in a time when de-stressing is necessary.

But I really shouldn't be...

You know, I really don't have a lot left for school. And it's nice. But surprisingly? I'm a little stressed right now... I think the issue is that I'm just sooooo ready to be done and take a break before the fresh start next semester. Which I am SO EXCITED FOR! I love the beginnings of semesters. New friends, new classes, and new experiences to come. So for now, I'm stressed, but not for long. :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We ain't gonna live forevah...

This last weekend was one of the last REAL weekends that I could spend time with Breanne. She is graduating this semester and she is moving on with her life. This picture is a sample of what we did... We painted with lights! You turn off all the lights in the room and use glow sticks to trace the outlines of individuals. We're Charlie's Angels can't you tell??? Anyways. I'm going to miss her...

Phone Call...

Yesterday was one of the most awful days that I've had in a long time. By 6:00 I had already vented to my mother, Breanne, and my roommate Whitney. There are times I really need to talk to people but I feel like I'm just being a burden and annoyance to them. The day just continued to get worse and by 10, I REALLY needed to talk to someone. The person I could think of? My sister Holly. Despite our differences we have always been able to listen to each other and I knew I could depend on her. So I called her and we talked for about 45 minutes. It was so helpful to have her there just to listen to me. I love my sister and everything she does for me. We will be friends forever.


Looking back on the past 3 days... I've had a very WIDE range of emotions. So lets go through the days...

Sunday... It started out as a good day. I got up and got ready for church, but then started to not feel very well towards the end. I ended up coming home and laying on the couch for a while. I was feeling kind of sick and disgusted at the same time because I didn't want to get sick! That afternoon I took a 3 hour nap and afterwards didn't feel any better because I had slept half the day away... That evening was better. I got out and went for a walk then drove around listening to Christmas music and looking at lights.

Monday... it was a great day. I spent time with some great friends and a group in one of my classes gave a very good presentation. Feeling great. Went home and worked on homework then went to the gym. I always feel great after going to the gym. I guess I let those endorphins really get to me... Monday evening my roommate informed me that Jamba Juice was selling smoothies for $1! Score! So we went. Ended up being a good day.

Then came Tuesday.... I swear everything that could have possibly went wrong that day did. I went through a whole RANGE of emotions including disappointment, frustration, anger, relief, some more frustration, and sadness. I forewent the gym that evening.... and went to dinner at Olive Garden instead with a couple friends. The complete opposite. But I had a great time! I talked to my mom on the phone on the way home and she assured me that I had hit rock bottom and nothing else could possibly go wrong that day... she was sure wrong... something else happened. Sorry no details... but lets just say I was past rock bottom. So I called my sister Holly and talked to her about my day because I felt that everyone else had already gotten an earful. She was such a good listener and cheered me up. :)

All I have to say is that we are all human. We all experience emotion. And we can expect it on a daily basis.

Love Languages

I wasn't surprised at the results I got for the Love Languages test in class. My Love Language ranked highest to lowest with the scores is, Quality Time (10), Words of Affirmation (6), Physical Touch (5), Receiving Gifts (4), Acts of Service (4).

Spending quality time with someone is something that is really important to me. I feel that the foundation of any good relationship is built on knowing information about the other person and you can only truthfully know that information by spending time with them, talking and getting to know them.

My second Love Language is words of affirmation. Compliments are always nice. It shows that you are noticing the good things about the other person. Although, I feel words are empty when the actions to match what the person is saying.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Doctrine and Covenants 103: 36 - "All victory and glory is brought to pass unto you through your diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith."

Life is much like a baby chick breaking out of it's shell. We must work hard through our trials and it will only make us stronger to do so. Be diligent in all you do and don't give up.

Live long and prosper...

(Ok so not exactly like Spock...)

Doctrine and Covenants 78:19 - "And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more."

From this scripture I get that we will be very prosperous if we express thankfulness unto the lord. If you think about it, everything in the gospel kind of goes hand in hand. If we are thankful, then humble, then submissive, and will become prosperous. But we must be very careful to not fall into the pride cycle.

What we see versus what He sees

Doctrine and Covenants 58: 3 - "Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation."

I've probably talked about this before, but it's something that I have to remind myself a lot that He has the whole design, and I can only see the temporary picture. I know He knows what is best and that everything will turn out how it's supposed to in the end.


Doctrine and Covenants 25:12 - "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads."

I love singing and especially in church. For me it's my way of expressing my testimony. Music for me brings such an unexplainable spirit in a way that can't be brought any other way. My soul delighteth in the song of the heart.

He died of us...

3 Nephi 27:14 - "And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father, to stand before me, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil-"

I love this scripture. It's just a reminder to me that we need to work both through our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ to return unto them. It isn't just one or the other. We must work through the Father to draw nearer unto Christ. Both relationships are as equally important.


3 Nephi 13: 33 - "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

One thing I've learned in my life is that if I put the most important things first such as scripture study, prayers, and church, everything else will fall into place and you'll be able to get everything else done.

Class Presentation... oh the irony....

Well, I just wanted to touch on our presentation last Friday and how I thought it went.

First of all I want to say how ironic I thought that our presentation was on technology, and technology was failing us! But luckily by the end we got it worked out and everything went ok.

Overall I thought our presentation went splendidly. I was worried after the presentation center but the class interaction helped a lot.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Me and My Heavenly Father

I've avoided this assignment for a while, just because it's something that is very personal to me, and something I have never been sure about.

I have doubts about myself, as I'm sure a lot of people do about themselves. I've been to rock bottom and back again. But there is one thing I do know. I, am a Daughter of God. And he loves me and cares about me. He knows what's best for me and wants me to achieve my potential here on earth. He also knows that potential is greater than I think it is. He is my greatest cheerleader. He is the ultimate provider. He has given me a beautiful world to live in and an amazing family to go through and experience life with. He has provided me with guidance and great blessings thus far in my life. We talk daily. Usually in the evenings. I share both my worries and joys about life with Him and he offers comfort, guidance, and answers to the questions I have about my life. I thank Him for all the wonderful things in my life. He speaks to me as I read the scriptures daily and gives me insights on how I can be improving myself personally.

I am a Daughter of God.

Conflict - It isn't worth it...

I really enjoyed yesterday's class listening to the different conflicts people have dealt with in the last couple days. It just reaffirmed something in my mind - most arguments aren't worth the breath. That's why I avoid them so often. It may feel good in the moment, but oftentimes you regret it for years to come. When I get into stupid arguments, I replay them in my mind over and over again regretting much of what I said. So basically, what's the point of conflict? A lot of the time nothing is accomplished by it.

What Heavenly Father Loves About Me

One of the things that Heavenly Father Loves about me is that I'm a caring person. I care about the people that are close to me and do all that I can to show them that. I may come off as cold and distant sometimes, but underneath I really do care and want what's best for those around me.

Color Code Profile

Reds are the power wielders of the world. Power is not good and it is not bad, it just is. It has to do with movement, (remember: moving from A to B). Power sometimes carries a negative connotation but where positive characteristics of Reds are concerned, it drives them to high levels of productivity and efficiency. Reds boldly move forward with logic, vision and determination. These qualities make them natural born leaders, as they make things happen by sheer force of will. From a Red perspective, emotion has little to do with accomplishing a task.

Red Strengths Reds are visionary and seem to have insight into the future. Keeping their eyes on the future averts them from the mundane day-to-day. In dealing with day-to-day circumstances, they make swift decisions and their independent nature doesn’t require someone to hover over them to see them through. Reds can be difficult to work with if they don’t get their way. Their behavior may appear negative in their efforts to get things their way. However, before you jump to conclusions, look past the behavior to what is driving it. It may be an enormous ego problem that causes a complete intolerance of others’ ideas. On the other hand, it is possible they are trying to achieve an important goal within the timeframe previously agreed to by the team.

Red Limitations Just like all the colors, Reds have challenging limitations. Let’s start out by saying they are not subtle. You know exactly where they stand and how they feel about things. Reds are verbal; however, what they say often seems hostile due to their tactless manner. Their insensitivity combined with a marked lack of subtlety causes many to wince at what comes out of their mouths. They can also be very demanding. Red bosses will ask you to work long hours because they do. They expect you to get the job done to make them look good. It doesn’t matter whether you have limitations or not—they expect you to make up for them. This is how they would deal with it. Overall, Reds lack compassion. If they develop the gift of compassion, Reds are hard to beat. When they add this dimension, they are truly very capable people.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Conflict Example

I haven't observed a conflict in the last couple days. I think I was just too busy. But I did read about Constructive Conflict Skills. Like I've mentioned before, I've dealt with a lot of conflict in my life. When I read through the skills I recognized a lot of the things I've learned through personal experience. One that I've really tried is to consider the other's point of view. I think this has really helped me see both sides of things and take a more objective approach to the problems that I encounter. I'm not saying this is how I ALWAYS am. I just try to be this way.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I think personally I get too wound up in life if I'm not careful. I get too busy with the unimportant and forget what matters most. Last night I was reading a general conference talk given this last October by President Uchtdorf. He talked about not getting caught up in the thick of life and the importance of remembering what matters most. He said,

"As we evaluate our own lives with a willing mind, we will see where we have drifted from the more excellent way. The eyes of our understanding will be opened, and we will recognize what needs to be done to purify our hear and refocus our life."

It's time for me to refocus and stay on target.

Just Walk Away...

Yesterday in class we talked about the different ways that we manage conflict. I was in the avoiders group. My reasoning for being an avoider most of the time is that most argument's aren't worth the breath. For example - over the break we had family pictures taken. And me and my mom were not happy about how they turned out for various reasons. We kept talking about what went wrong and why we thought they didn't do a good job at all. Well, my sister Jenny was right there and I said something in particular and she just snapped at me and bit my head off about it. I said, "Fine, I'll just shut up." And then got up and left. It wasn't worth the argument. I was still mad about it, but it wasn't worth the breath to make it into a huge fight. Sometimes it just best to avoid.


I have to admit I've been letting it slip with Holly lately. It's just so hard because our lives are so busy and we live so far away from each other. The break was good though. We were able to spend some time together but not as much as we would have liked. It's hard to strengthen a relationship with someone when you can see yourself moving in a completely different direction from them...

In Common...

I don't know if I mentioned before but me and Breanne used to live together... I think I did. Remember that happen chance thingie? Anyways. I miss having my friend in the room next to mine. One thing that we used to do together is watch the Big Bang Theory. It's a tv show on CBS. It's so funny! I think I like it particularly because you have to think to keep up with the dialogue. Anyways. We don't do that as much as we used to. Over Thanksgiving break I got a text from Breanne saying she'd bought Big Bang Theory season 3 for me! I was so excited! I have such a great friend who thinks of me when Black Friday shopping at 3 in the morning.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


No, not that kind of gap. I'm talking right now about a "generation gap."

I've never felt this way until now with me and my family. There is obviously a generation gap between me and my parents... but now I am realizing there has become a significant one between me and my sibling. I am at a completely different place in my life than them. Before we start talking about this you really should understand that I am in no way implying that I love my family less... I've just come to realize a few important things.

First of all, since there is a 7 year age difference between me and my closest sibling, Holly, I feel that I've had to grow up a lot faster than those of whom are my own age. I learned to have adult conversations at a very young age and therefore that's why I think I get along with older people better. Therefore I feel kind of stuck in the middle.

Two, I feel like I missed out then, and now I'm missing out now. When I was younger, I was never "old enough" to do the things my older brothers and sisters were doing. And now that I am well old enough... they all have grown out of it and have kids now. Our world revolved around them. Again, not a bad thing. Just... different. For example when we go to the Gateway Mall in SLC it doesn't necessarily mean shopping, it means the Children's Museum for 2 1/2 hours. I was able to sneak out for about 45 minutes with my mom to get some new jeans... but we had to hurry back because the kids were all getting hungry and cranky...

Three, they don't seem excited and enthusiastic about change and going out to see the world anymore. They are all settling. In Utah, mind you. Both my sisters and one of my brothers already live here. Riley was the last hold out but now he's moving to Ogden area to manage a Kneaders Bakery and Cafe. He said he's done with his adventure in Las Vegas and ready to settle in a more "domestic" area. Me? Well... it's in my plans to be moving back to NYC sometime in the near future. Guess what everyones responses were.... Why would you want to move away from your family??? Which I understand. They are all settling. They are all 28 and older. Me..... I'm 21. Just starting out. They've almost made me feel guilty for having this desire. I've thought about it a lot lately and you know? I think I'd like to get married sometime soon and start a family, but I really don't see it in the cards for me anytime soon. So my question is why sit around waiting and not be progressing and out experiencing life. I think they kind of expect me to stick around waiting on my front porch for prince charming to come along. Not gonna happen.

Ok, I'm done. It's the gap. It's always been there, just not as prominent. And it will continue to be there in my life until ALL of our kids are out of the house. So I'll deal with it. Because I love my family... and I have no choice.... :)

Sisters and Pizza

Well I made it to Utah safely. I beat the snowstorm so fast that I decided to stop in Ogden where my family were all at my cousin's wedding reception. So I decided to stop. Luckily I had a dress, heels, and tights handy so I was able to quickly change in the bathroom. I was so excited to see everyone and spent a lot of the reception hanging out with my sisters Holly and Jenny. Jenny ended up sending her kids home early with her husband Jason and after the reception just us sisters went out for pizza. (Mind you at about 10:00 pm) We had so much fun. I don't remember the last time just the three of us were able to sit down and spend time together without kids. I really wished I could spend more time with these girls. I love my sisters dearly and want to be closer to them. This was the start to an "improve the relationship" week with both of them, but especially Holly.

My Great Thanksgiving...

If I were to write a list of everything I was thankful for, it would be infinite. I love this time of year. It's a great time set aside to be able to reflect and appreciate everything we have been blessed with in life. A couple years ago I was home on break with all my family at Thanksgiving, and I found this scripture. It has become my official Thanksgiving time scripture.

Alma 26: 35-37

35 Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all apower, ball wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a cmerciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name.
36 Now if this is aboasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people, who are a bbranch of the tree of Israel, and has been clost from its body in a strange land; yea, I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, dwanderers in a strange land.
37 Now my brethren, we see that God is amindful of every bpeople, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen.

There are so many things we should be grateful for in this life, but especially we need to be grateful for and remember our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They watch over and bless us daily with numerous wonderful things. We need to remember that he knows each one of us and is mindful of our needs. (I really need reminding of this a lot of the time.) He understands EVERYTHING and we have reason to rejoice in him and be grateful.

I have especially been grateful in this last year as far as my career and schooling goes. I have managed a 3.8 gpa the last two semesters, I have been blessed with a wonderful job on campus, I had a spectacular internship this last summer where I made tons of friends and learned a lot, I was able to go to NYC and visit companies and make contacts, and I am currently up for an internship position back there with the LDS Public Affairs office. (Lets pray I get it.) These honestly, are small compared to everything else I and my family have been blessed with this last year. As I said before and I'll say again... big changes are to come. Come what may and love it. Be grateful. He know's what's best and everything will turn out how it's supposed to.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A change in the wind...

It's been an interesting morning. And I don't know quite how to take it. While at work today I got an email from LDS Public Affairs located in Manhattan, NY requesting my availability for a phone interview tomorrow. TALK ABOUT BLIND SIGHTED!!!!!! All I did was drop off a resume when we visited there last week. I was so completely shocked. My parents have told me before that they would help me go to NYC for an internship if it was paid.... this one is unpaid. But if I were offered all the internships in NYC and money wasn't an issue, I would pick LDS Public Affairs. So, it just so happened that my parents would be coming up on campus 30 minutes after this "change in the wind." I went and sat them down and talked it out with them. I don't know the details for sure, but I think this interview is for an internship starting in January. So I made my argument. I would defer from school this next semester and use the money I would have used for tuition to live in NYC for 3 months (if i get the internship). I would then come back and work for Canfield the next summer and earn money for the next school year. My parents approved. I have an interview with LDS Public Affairs tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Personal Success and Realization...

(This post is going to be a combination of several things... but please bear with me)

But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction.
My parents came into town last night and after we went to dinner. My dad went back to their hotel and I was able to spend some time with my mom. She did the typical mom thing and took me to the store to get groceries and some Christmas decorations for my pathetically decorated tree. She then took me up and dropped me off on campus so I could work on homework until the buildings closed. We got to talking on the way up about trials people have gone through in their lives. I have to tell you now, my mom has seen me through a lot over the years. I've dealt with a lot of conflict in my life and have been hurt by a lot of people I thought I could trust. My mom has seen me through it all. She's cried with me. She's let me yell when frustrated. But we both came to a realization last night. We are grateful for our trials. And because we have stuck with the Lord and trusted in him, we have become better people and have learned how to handle conflict better.
My mom reminded me last night that I am in a really good place in my life right now. And it's completely true I realized. Usually during each semester I am in conflict with one roommate or the other. I'm usually angry and frustrated and really wound up about life in general. But I've learned, it doesn't hurt anything for me to just stay out of it. I feel like I'm a well liked person and I have a lot of friends. And that makes me feel great about myself! I've learned to cool it and not get so wound up about school. Last Winter was the worst.... you could ask anyone. But this semester I am just as busy, or even more, and I am having a great time. I've taken a chill pill so to speak.
This class has been such a help in making me realize what kind of person I am and what my needs are in order to be happy. My first color is red, and my secondary is white. And I think I'm beginning to find a good balance between the two. I have no problem confronting people about problems. I'm confident when I speak can keep a clear head. But at the same time, I really hate conflict. In my experience. NO GOOD COMES FROM IT!!!! Trust me on that. That's where my white comes into play. I really do treasure a peaceful life. While I can stand up for myself and argue a point, I'd rather not because I know it really won't do anyone any good.
So let me revert back to the scripture... "But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction."
If I had to pick one important lesson that I've learned in my life so far, it would be this. Throughout everything I've been through in the last four years, I've put my trust in him, and my mom for that matter, and have kept with the church. Now, I'm not saying I've been perfect throughout everything. I have soooooo not been. I've made so many mistakes, but what's important is that I've learned from them. But as I look back over this last year especially, I've been so blessed in my life. And I know with out a doubt that's because of how I reacted to the trials in my life. I am grateful for my trials.

Yeah... Woops...

I'm going to admit right now. Up front. Not even lie. I've kind of let the "not so good" fall off the cliff - in a sense (not literally). But I haven't talked to my sister Holly for a couple weeks. And what can I say? Life kinda just happens and things get crazy sometimes. School has just been crazy these last three weeks. But I am looking forward to a well deserved break and time with my family. I WILL be picking up the slack next week with Holly. I promise. BEST of friends. :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Decisions... come what may...

So, I knew before I got back from New York, I would have to be making some pretty important decisions when I did get back. The question? Is New York the place for me. I have no idea. I've been praying about it but He seems to not want to give me an answer yet. So this is my strategy. I'm going to work hard to get there, and if I do? Great! If not, then it wasn't meant to be. Yesterday I spent two hours writing follow up emails and thank you's to the trip. I've already had one reply back from a lady that she would be happy to consider me for their internship program. So this is a good sign. It's going to be a huge sacrifice moving there. But why not? While I'm young, single, and vibrant. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Personal Space...

For my assignment while in NYC, Sister McKenna asked me to observe the people of Manhattan and their behaviors. Before I went, I just figured that New Yorkers were snobby, busy people. While they are busy, most of them are definitely not snobby. The fact is, Manhattan is the most highly concentrated location in all of the US. You literally have people living on top of each other. And they do what they can to have some kind of personal space. One thing I noticed is that on the Subway, you're packed in like sardines most of the time. You could be sitting with someone elses gut right in your face! Then once they exit the Subway, they plow down the street hurrying to their next destination and honestly? You better not get in their way. No apologies are made when you bump into each other. It's just what happens. But more than once on our trip. Someone would notice if we were confused about where we were going next. At least one person would stop and offer directions to us poor country folk. And if you asked for directions? Even more than happy to help out. New Yorkers are a fast paced, career driven species. But very willing to help out with anything you may need.

These lights will inspire you...

I've always wanted to move to NYC. For the last year that has been my goal. Do all I can to get to this amazing city. But lately, I haven't been feelin' it much. I feel like there's something else I should be doing. But I don't know quite yet. I started getting this after I was accepted to the New York trip. So I figured that I'd go, work hard to get everything I could out of the experience, and then evaluate how I felt after the fact. I'm still not feeling it. And I don't know what to do. Cause that's what I've worked for these past 2 years, and that's where I'm heading. It's not a bad thing. I just realized I'd be completely on my own in NYC. Which would be fine, but I'd miss my family dearly. And NYC is a work hard city. Which again, not bad. But I don't want to work Saturdays. I'm a 9-5 type of girl and don't want to worry about things on the weekend. That's what I liked so much about my job/internship this summer. I worked during the week, the evenings and weekends I didn't even have to think about work projects. So my solution? Come what may - and love the heck out of it!

These streets will make you feel brand new...

Marissa and Jared at the Stardust Diner

Marissa on the red stairs in Time Square

Well I'm back from four beautiful days in New York City! It was a such a memorable experience to go around the city and meet with Advertising and Public Relations professionals in the industry. I couldn't have done it on my own. The companies we went to were Fusion PR, JWT, Razorfish, LDS Public Affairs, Young & Rubicam, Time Inc., Pen American, Coltrin & Associates, Edelman, and McGarry Bowen. The interesting thing about New York City is that I don't think you could ever be bored. There is always something to do or see. Free things even. The streets are alive with all sorts of different people and nothing is out of the ordinary in New York. You could walk down the street in a tutu and people would say - "Good for you!!" All in all it was an experience of a lifetime. It helped me realize some things about myself that I didn't know before.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Constant Change

Me and my sibling February 2002

This is going to be a long post...

This last week's topic in class was about relationships. We focused a lot in class about romantic relationships, but I remember reading in the chapter about adapting to inevitable changes in relationships. The strongest relationship that I have and will always have is that with my family. I love them so dearly and can't imagine not being able to talk to them every week. But the fact is, we have gone through a lot of changes these past few years, and this next year... even more. I was talking to my brother Riley the other day about this and everything that is going to happen. So lets list them...

1. This next year is my dad's last year for running our apple and cherry orchards. He is retiring.
2. My parents are putting their house and shop up for sale. Within a year I will no longer be able to sleep in the room I have ever since I was a baby.
3. After living and working in Las Vegas for 7 years, my brother Riley will be moving his family to the Ogden, Utah area because they are investing in and managing a Kneaders sandwich shop.
3. My brother Tyson is also looking into the Kneaders sandwich shop and if this happens for him it will bring his little family out of the desolation they experienced a couple years ago. (Losing his job and relocating to Utah within a month)
4. Me and Riley suspect there will be two new babies coming into our family within the next year - My sister Jenny and her husband and Tyson and his wife.
5. I will be moving to NYC next summer if all goes well next week. Headed on a new adventure that no one in my family has ever attempted before.

Relationships are in constant change and as you can see there will be a lot of things changing this next year. It will be an emotional time especially since my dad is selling our fruit farm after 25 years.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A friend in need...

It always makes you feel good when you help a friend in need. But thats not why we should do it. We should do it because we care and we want what's best for them. Breanne is graduating this semester and has been having a hard time lately. It's been really hitting her that her life is starting and she has some very important decisions ahead of her. So what did I do? Well I did what any good friend would, we went out for ice cream! I let her talk it out and was her sounding board for her frustrations and thought about what she should do. She felt better afterwards and I was glad that I could help a true friend in need.

A Beautiful Thing...

This city, is a beautiful thing. It's the city of dreams. The lights will inspire you. And I have always wanted to be a part of it. A couple years ago I was able to visit New York City with my mom for my senior trip. We shopped, saw the sites, and had a lot of fun. Well, next Tuesday I'm going again, but to find a job. I am so excited! I am living my dream and am seizing the opportunity to do so.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Stumbling Block, or a Stepping-Stone

Isn't it strange how princes and kings,
and clowns that caper in sawdust rings,
and common people, like you and me,
are builders for eternity?

Each is given a list of rules;
a shapeless mass; a bag of tools.
And each must fashion, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone.

I love this poem because it's completely true. It's our choice and no one elses of how we take life. We either can make something of it, or we can whine and complain that everything is so hard. We are all given the same tools as everyone around us. It doesn't matter our station in life. We all have difficulties whether we be rich and famous or plain and simple.

Monday, November 1, 2010

We care

I worry about Holly a lot. I know she isn't happy with her life and she thinks she has the best that she could right now. It's not true. My sister Jenny gets to talk to her more than I and we both worry that she is in a relationship she feels she is stuck in. (She lived with her boyfriend for two years then finally got married a year ago. He's kind of a bum and lives to hunt.) We love her and care for her and I hope she knows our family is ready to help her whenever she needs it.

Fear not...

Doctrine and Covenants 6:36... "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."

I love this scripture and it made me relate to the concept of bungee jumping. Jumping into the unknown is a lot like having faith that when you bungee jump, the cord with snap you up and save you from falling to your death. In that way we need to have faith to take chances we normally wouldn't and believe that the Lord will take care of us if we confide in him everything we do and trust in him that everything will be ok.

Do you even know my name?

Today in class we took an opinion poll on what to do and what not to do and who should do what in dating. From recent experience I thought of the question... Should someone know your name before they ask you out? hahahhahahahahahha I think the answer should be yes... But if they do it in a charming way... they have the chance to redeem themselves later. Brennan didn't know my name before he asked me out on Friday. And he apologized for it over and over again. I thought it was funny. The date went really well so he made up for it.

Hammer to Head

Could someone hit me over the head with one of these? I am soooo stressed right now. I'll get over it in about 20 minutes though don't worry. Here are reasons why and they are all sadly a result of something amazing that will be happening next week.

Reason 1: I am getting sick... fighting a cold with all my might

Reason 2: Lots of school work to do

Reason 3: I hate when I don't hear from certain people.... it's stressful (this has nothing to do with the amazing something)

Reason 4: Lots of school work to do

All are a result of: Going to NYC for a week to meet companies!!!

Ok so it's a good thing. But it's really wearing on me right now. I'm working on it. But sometimes I wish someone would just hit me over the head with a hammer...

Models of Relational Development

In comparing my relationship with Breanne to the relational maintenance model, I would say that we're at the bonding part. We're really good friends and have no problem telling the other what we think. We really enjoy spending time together and expect to go to the gym every day together. (That's where I'm headed in a minute.) We know and appreciate each other for what we are and respect the others space.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Something happened on the way to class...

Something weird happened before class on Friday. To put it in short - I got asked out on a date. The funny thing? The guy didn't know my name. Ok but lets start at the beginning...

I was walking down the hallway when I hear someone behind me say...

Guy: Hey! You're the one who scheduled the conference room for me yesterday right?

(I turn around) Me: Yeah...

Guy: Well, I was wondering... I never do this... but do you maybe want to go to the Halloween Concert tonight? Like on a date?

Me: Yeah, sure!

Guy: Really? I'm really sorry that was rude of me. I don't even know your name!

Me: It's Marissa

*Fast forward about 10 hours... He just picked me up and we are walking out to his car...

Guy: Now, first of all. I just have to apologize for earlier in the Spori. I was very rude when I asked you out. I can't believe I didn't even ask your name first.

** All in all, Friday was a very interesting day. And I had a very good time on the date! We went to the Halloween Concert then Dairy Queen to get ice cream afterwards. Want to know who the guy was....? Brother Bean's son.... Brennan.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Living in the moment...

D&C 84: 82-85 -

82 For, aconsider the blilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin; and the kingdoms of the world, in all their glory, are not arrayed like one of these.
83 For your aFather, who is in heaven, bknoweth that you have need of all these things.
84 Therefore, let the morrow take athought for the things of itself.
85 Neither take ye thought beforehand awhat ye shall say; but btreasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be cgiven you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man.

*This is my favorite scripture. And I love it because it reminds me to get not so uptight about life and worry about the future. Rather live in the moment. Don't get stuck on the things that aren't important. If you live for the future, you will miss today - live for TODAY.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The end is near...

This is my 5th semester here at BYU-Idaho, and honestly - I don't have that much left. To be exact? 3 semesters. Soooo scary.... But I'm excited. I'm on my way out. But that means checking out Grad school now. I'm looking into Boston University or Columbia University. I'd like to think I could get into somewhere big, but who knows. Anyways! Super stoked - super excited!

Communication Day - Jeff Benedict

I was able to go listen to Jeff Benedict in one of the breakout sessions today. He has done some amazing things and I was really impressed with the magnitude of his success. He brought up some really good points that I’d like to touch on and add my own thoughts.

The first thing he said that really hit me was, “you never know when you’re going to get an opportunity to do something you’ve always wanted…” I think a lot of the success and opportunities in the world are lucky chances, but those lucky chances come about with hard work, effort, and awareness of those lucky chances. If we aren’t looking for the opportunities and taking chances, most likely we will miss them. Brother Benedict really impressed me in when he said that he had no shame in what work he did when he was younger. Don’t be proud, he said. Staple papers, run copies, clean toilets – do whatever you have to do to get where you want to be.

The next point that he brought up was to be grateful that you didn’t get what you so badly wanted then. I know I need to be more grateful for the learning curves life has thrown at me. And I am – I’ve learned a lot and have come a long ways in my short life. But I tend to think on the past and wonder about the things I have missed out on. But I don’t need to – I am an A student at a wonderful university, I have loving and supportive parents, I am working two jobs while here at school, I work contract for the company I interned for this summer, I work on campus in close association to some of the most brilliant minds on campus, I am on a fast track to a great career, I have so many great things to be grateful for – and most are as a result of learning curves in my life.

Brother Benedict also mentioned in his presentation that what we think about and do in our idle time is a predictor of where we will end up in the future. I really need to be more productive with my idle time. I’ve had a lot this week because the workload has been light, but I could be doing other things with my time rather than watching movies… I could be developing my talents in writing, music, art, or even just reading up on the world and becoming more aware of what is going on around me. I could be using my time to develop myself more spiritually by reading the scriptures, or serving others. There is so much more that I could be doing with my idle time.

Jeff Benedict was well worth my time to go listen to his presentation. What he had to say was so inspiring and really made me want to become a more focused, goal oriented individual (I know… more than I already am…) There is so much more I could be doing to make the world a better place and to better myself. There are endless opportunities out there for me, it’s just a matter of being aware.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nonverbal Communication

Sister McKenna asked us to write in our portfolio about two types of nonverbal communication - more specifically one we are good at and one we aren't so good at.


I think in general I am a happy person. I always try to smile and be friendly towards others. (Of course there is always the exception of the really bad days...) I think I'm good at giving friendly smiles and letting people know I'm easy to talk to. I try to have an open posture and not walk around with my arms folded across my chest. I stand up straight and like to look people in the eye. I think this shows someone that you genuinely care and want to talk to them.

Wonder Woman

I think this in particular is a definitely flaw of mine as far as nonverbal communication goes. My friendly behavior doesn't always come across in the way I mean it. I like to be doing at least 3 things at once. Honest to goodness, I'm not lying. I feel like I have to be Wonder Woman. And I think this nonverbal behavior comes across as if I don't care or am "too busy" to talk to someone. But the truth is, I can be watching TV, working on homework, chatting with friends online, and talking to my mom on the phone all at once. (This drives her crazy, as I think it does a lot of people.) I have been trying to slow down my life and focus on one thing at once, but it's still a work in progress.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What I should and what I want...

I've been arguing with myself lately on what I want to do with my life. The truth is... I feel like I really need a break and just have some fun. I want to travel and see things! I want to experience the world. Right now, I'm headed towards this....

... Career Woman... I'm not fully convinced that's what I want to do.... This is what I want to be doing....

... Traveling Woman... seeing the world.... taking beautiful pictures... discovering new things... My problem is.... Everyone expects woman #1 out of me, and I want to be woman #2.... so what to do?

Personal Space...

Personal space is something that I... sacredly value... Today during class, we were assigned different social rules to blow out of proportion and record peoples reactions. It really is interesting to see how we get protective of our personal space. Me and a couple other girls went over and sat by this kid who was by himself in the crossroads and started talking about midterms. We tried to bring him into the conversation - he gave short answers but he gave us this look that was like.... go away, NOW!

Monday, October 18, 2010

For Granted...

Yesterday I was able to go visiting teaching. My partner prepared a lesson on temples and how it is such a blessing to have a temple so close. Now, I could make the excuse that I am crazy busy and there is no convenient time for me to go serve the Lord, but that is not entirely true. While I am busy, I just simply take for granted of the fact that I have two temples close by - one within two minutes, and the other with in 25 minutes. These temples are sacred, beautiful places where we can do work and serve the Lord. I always feel so much better when I go and want that feeling of the Spirit to be forever with me afterwards.

Girl time.

Breanne was so kind to go help me with taking portraits for my photo class yesterday. She is such a great friend and I appreciate everything she does. Yesterday we had a great day doing what girls do best. Giggling. Breanne came over later and we watched Peter Pan. You know... that newer one with the very attractive young kid in it. Oh goodness I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It definitely was a great way to start the week! I can always count on her to make my day brighter.


I think me and my sister Holly had a breakthrough this weekend.... Saturday I got back from the store and was so tired so I took a nap. In the middle of my nap I was woken up by that annoying, ringing phone. It was Holly. I don't remember the last time she called just to chat. We talked for 30 minutes! It was so great and it made me miss her even more. She was on her way to the store and needed someone to talk to. I wish we lived closer. I think we could both use that constant support in our life.

What makes me happy...

A lot of the time I think, I know, I make life out to be more complicated than it needs to be. I get going so fast that I forget to stop and ask myself what makes ME happy. Well what does make me happy.... there are a lot of things. But in the secular sense, I love taking pictures - especially of people. I love capturing a moment in time that will never be repeated again. It's a funny thing with taking pictures though... people always gripe and complain when you're taking them, but afterwards the really appreciate it... (at least that's what my family does) If i could quit school and take pictures for the rest of my life and make a good living, I would... and maybe I will.... (not really but it's fun to think about)

This photo as taken by me, of me, in a reflection of a mirror.

My roommate took this picture but I did the editing.