Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Looking back on the past 3 days... I've had a very WIDE range of emotions. So lets go through the days...

Sunday... It started out as a good day. I got up and got ready for church, but then started to not feel very well towards the end. I ended up coming home and laying on the couch for a while. I was feeling kind of sick and disgusted at the same time because I didn't want to get sick! That afternoon I took a 3 hour nap and afterwards didn't feel any better because I had slept half the day away... That evening was better. I got out and went for a walk then drove around listening to Christmas music and looking at lights.

Monday... it was a great day. I spent time with some great friends and a group in one of my classes gave a very good presentation. Feeling great. Went home and worked on homework then went to the gym. I always feel great after going to the gym. I guess I let those endorphins really get to me... Monday evening my roommate informed me that Jamba Juice was selling smoothies for $1! Score! So we went. Ended up being a good day.

Then came Tuesday.... I swear everything that could have possibly went wrong that day did. I went through a whole RANGE of emotions including disappointment, frustration, anger, relief, some more frustration, and sadness. I forewent the gym that evening.... and went to dinner at Olive Garden instead with a couple friends. The complete opposite. But I had a great time! I talked to my mom on the phone on the way home and she assured me that I had hit rock bottom and nothing else could possibly go wrong that day... she was sure wrong... something else happened. Sorry no details... but lets just say I was past rock bottom. So I called my sister Holly and talked to her about my day because I felt that everyone else had already gotten an earful. She was such a good listener and cheered me up. :)

All I have to say is that we are all human. We all experience emotion. And we can expect it on a daily basis.

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