Saturday, October 30, 2010
Something happened on the way to class...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Living in the moment...
Monday, October 25, 2010
The end is near...
Communication Day - Jeff Benedict
I was able to go listen to Jeff Benedict in one of the breakout sessions today. He has done some amazing things and I was really impressed with the magnitude of his success. He brought up some really good points that I’d like to touch on and add my own thoughts.
The first thing he said that really hit me was, “you never know when you’re going to get an opportunity to do something you’ve always wanted…” I think a lot of the success and opportunities in the world are lucky chances, but those lucky chances come about with hard work, effort, and awareness of those lucky chances. If we aren’t looking for the opportunities and taking chances, most likely we will miss them. Brother Benedict really impressed me in when he said that he had no shame in what work he did when he was younger. Don’t be proud, he said. Staple papers, run copies, clean toilets – do whatever you have to do to get where you want to be.
The next point that he brought up was to be grateful that you didn’t get what you so badly wanted then. I know I need to be more grateful for the learning curves life has thrown at me. And I am – I’ve learned a lot and have come a long ways in my short life. But I tend to think on the past and wonder about the things I have missed out on. But I don’t need to – I am an A student at a wonderful university, I have loving and supportive parents, I am working two jobs while here at school, I work contract for the company I interned for this summer, I work on campus in close association to some of the most brilliant minds on campus, I am on a fast track to a great career, I have so many great things to be grateful for – and most are as a result of learning curves in my life.
Brother Benedict also mentioned in his presentation that what we think about and do in our idle time is a predictor of where we will end up in the future. I really need to be more productive with my idle time. I’ve had a lot this week because the workload has been light, but I could be doing other things with my time rather than watching movies… I could be developing my talents in writing, music, art, or even just reading up on the world and becoming more aware of what is going on around me. I could be using my time to develop myself more spiritually by reading the scriptures, or serving others. There is so much more that I could be doing with my idle time.
Jeff Benedict was well worth my time to go listen to his presentation. What he had to say was so inspiring and really made me want to become a more focused, goal oriented individual (I know… more than I already am…) There is so much more I could be doing to make the world a better place and to better myself. There are endless opportunities out there for me, it’s just a matter of being aware.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Nonverbal Communication
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What I should and what I want...

Personal Space...
Monday, October 18, 2010
For Granted...
Girl time.
What makes me happy...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
My Sister...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Gossip - the ultimate poison.
Embarrassing moment...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Making the good count
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Recognizing Emotions
Keep a three-day record of your feelings (this can be in your Portfolio). You can do this by spending a few minutes each evening recalling what emotions you felt during the day, what other people were involved, and the circumstances in which the emotions occurred.
Feeling Diary:
Day One: Feeling pretty good today. It's been rainy so that kind of puts a damper on things. I was able to go to my first meeting for the New York trip today. I'm feeling overwhelmed with school today and I'm frustrated with my roommates. I'd like to blame them but I don't think I can.
Day Two: Feeling better today! I got to see my parents and plus it's Friday! I was able to talk to my sister today and then me and my parent's went to The Social Network. It was a very well done and inspiring movie.
Day Three: Today has been a mildly good day. I woke up this morning and went to the sand dunes to take pictures for my class. I've been working on homework all day and watching tv. Hopefully something more exciting will happen later.
At the end of the three-day period you can understand the role that emotions play in your communication by answering the following questions.
1. How did you recognize the emotions you felt: through physicological stimuli, nonverbal behaviors or cognitive processes?
I think my process is mostly cognitive. I have a lot of stomach flipping whenever I'm upset or really excited. A lot of my internal physical reactions are the same for both situations.
2. What emotions do you have most often? Are they primary or mixed? Mild or intense? Are any of them "debilitative" emotions? Are they based on irrational thinking?
They are mostly mild. I am happy a lot but I don't get really excited. And when I am sad it's usually mildly, but then there are the cases when I am really upset - which results in stomach aches and headaches. I think some of my emotions could be debilitative - usually when I get really upset I just need to sleep it off or do something else to forget about it for a while - like talking to a friend. But I can't do homework usually when I'm upset. Some of them could be based on irrational thinking. I know I overreact sometimes and blow things out of proportion, but I'm getting better.
3. In what circumstances do you or don't you show your feelings? What factors influence your decision to show or not show your feelings? The situation, people, and subject involved? Do you repeatedly use any of the "fallacies" described in the book?
I tend not to want to show emotion at all. When I'm around people I don't trust or don't know, I won't show emotion. But when it's with people I really trust, there are only a select few (don't take it personal) I will tell how I'm feeling and express my frustrations. I think this is mostly with when I am angry about something. Otherwise when I'm excited I'll share it with more people, but again not with everyone. I think the fallacy I use the most is the Fallacy of Perfection. I don't like to show weakness myself and I like to know how to do things right - as should everyone else. I have really high expectations for myself, some of which I know are probably too high, but that's how I get things done. I push myself to the limit and sometimes over the edge.
4. What are the consequences of the type of communicating you described? Are you satisfied with these consequences? If not, what can you do to become more satisfied?
I think people think I am a snob sometimes. I don't talk a lot, I don't express emotion openly, I don't trust easily, and I work hard to get really good grades - those are the facts. I can be open and friendly, but I choose to be quiet. (Wow, I sound like a terrible person) I sit in my room for hours studying and working on projects - as a result I'm really not close to any of my roommates. I think if I simplified my life a little bit (I don't know how...) I would have more friends and do more fun things. I would probably be happier in a social aspect but not satisfied academically. It's a tricky situation.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Shenpa Syndrome...
If I were translating shenpa it would be very hard to find a word, but I'm going to give you a few. One word might be hooked. How we get hooked.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Supporter of Bad Habits
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Stubborn... Well you know...
Letting it go...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sisters forever...
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Birthday
Way Back When, Then, and Now